Build A Monster Craft Activity

$ 3,0


Build A Monster Craft :

Summer is here and we’re up to our eyeballs in projects at my house! In fact, I decided to go for the “Best Mom Award” and I moved a craft table into my home office for the summer. We’ve been cutting and pasting and creating to our hearts’ content. Sure it’s a disaster, but at least the disaster isn’t on my kitchen table anymore!


One of our favorite projects so far is this Build A Monster craft project. I’ve provided horns, arms, legs, eyes, bodies, and mouths so all you need to provide is scissors, glue, maybe some extra paper, and as much imagination as you’d like. You’ll have a great time seeing how each monster turns out!


How To Make A Monster

  • Supplies
  • Build-A-Monster Printable Kit (download below)
  • Scissors
  • Tape or glue
  • Laminator + laminating pages (optional)
  • Imagination


  1. Print off our Build A Monster Printable Kit onto paper or card stock.
  2. Cut out.
  3. Laminate (optional). This would be a great option if you want to use these over and over.
  4. Let the imaginations go wild!


This makes a great indoor project if you’re trying to beat the heat. These monsters would also be fun for your next birthday party! Print and cut out a bunch of monster parts and then let the party guests decorate their own gift bags.

For more activity book options, please visit My store


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